Spec benchmarks, Spec mpi 2007 is spec's benchmark suite for evaluating mpi-parallel, floating point, compute intensive performance across a wide range of cluster and smp hardware. the suite consists of the intial mpim2007 suite and mpil2007, which contains larger working sets and longer run times than mpim2007.. Github - jzawodn/arm-neon-vfp-test: simple test code , Simple test code to benchmark the vfp floating point or neon units of arm processors. i found some code online when researching how to compile code to take advantage of the neon units that some arm processors have built-in. the code was in a thread on the beagleboard discussion board here:.

Linux - simple floating point benchmark , Simple floating point benchmark compiled source? question asked 5 years, 3 months . active 2 years, 6 months . viewed 4k times 3. 1. interested benchmarking arm platforms; suggest simple benchmark source code benchmark floating point performance? package . A simple benchmark math operations, A simple benchmark math operations nov 9, 2014 math performance. computationally expensive fundamental floating point mathematical operations? ’ quick dirty benchmark, , surely naive, capture rough relative cost operations.. Floating point performance - sizing servers: intel', Floating point: -ray. -ray extremely simple ray-tracer representative real world raytracing application. fact, essentially floating point benchmark runs.
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